In English law a person is accounted innocent until they are proved guilty. 按英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪之前被视为无罪。
This proverb Is based on an old English law dating back to the 17th century. 这条谚语是17世纪时的一条古老的英国法律为基础而衍化出来的。
The phrase 'rule of thumb' is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb. 词组ruleofthumb(经验法则),是从一条古老的英国法律中来的,即:不能用超过大拇指粗细的东西打老婆。
However, if a British domestic money orders in foreign endorsement, then the right payer, the endorsement of the interpretation to be followed in English law. 但如一张英国国内汇票在国外背书,则对付款人而言,背书之解释应遵循英国法律。
Larceny no longer exist in english law, have is replace by the crime of theft. 在英国法中不再存在盗窃罪,现在被偷窃罪所取代。
In English law, an accused man is presumed innocent until he is proved guilty. 根据英国的法律,被告未经证明有罪即认为是清白的。
This insurance is subject to English law and practice. 本保险受英国法律和惯例的制约。
Equal pay for men and women is guaranteed under English law. 根据英国法律,男女同工同酬得到保证。
Arbitration in Hong Kong and English law shall be applied. 如需仲裁,在香港进行,并依据英国法律。
Under the English law a foreign sovereign has always been immune from suit in the English courts. 根据英格兰法,外国主权者总是不在英格兰法院应诉的。
The expanding orbit of English law took it through what was then the British Empire. 一支继续随着英国法域的扩张而扩张到英帝国的控制范围。
English lawyers and the law society, their professional body, are keen to promote English law as a jurisdiction of choice for international business in leading emerging economies such as China. 英国律师和行业机构英国律师公会(lawsociety),热衷于推动英格兰法律成为中国等新兴经济体在国际商务领域的首选司法体系。
English law defined seditious libel as criticizing the government in such a way as to reduce public confidence. 英国法律对煽动罪的解释是批评政府以降低公众信心。
In early English law, the right of local jurisdiction, generally one of the feudal rights of lordship. 在早期的英国法律中,地方司法审判的权力,总体上是贵族的封建权利之一。
The defendants argued that it was not possible in English law to make an offer to the whole world. 在英国法中不可能对全世界发出要约。
English textbooks on international law usually discuss not only international law, but also certain rules of English law, such as the British nationality act, 1948, which are relevant to international relations; 英国国际法教科书通常不仅探讨国际法,也探讨英国法律的某些法规,例如涉及国际关系的《1948年英国国籍法案》。
In English law an indictment runs in the following form. 在英格兰法中,起诉书以下列格式拟定。
Does the rule of English law no longer govern? 英国的法律不管用了?
In general, English law requires no special formalities in making contracts. 一般说来,按照英国法律,订立合同并不需要特殊的手续。
In English law, the accused is presumed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty. 在英国法中在证明他有罪前被告是被假定无罪的。
This demand for English law on the part of the Irish did not necessarily mean that they liked it. 对爱尔兰人来说,需要英国法律并非一定意味着他们喜欢这种法律。
Construction Payment Protection under English Law and its Reference to Mainland China 工程款英系法律保护模式及其对我国建筑业的借鉴
Most is governed instead by English law and its status remains unclear. 其中大部分属英国法律管辖,其形势仍不明朗。
International law does not provide an answer to all international disputes, just as English law does not provide an answer to all quarrels between englishmen. 国际法并不提供解决所有国际争端的答案,正如英国法律并不提供解决英国人之间的一切争吵的答案一样。
G.A.and arbitration: in London in English law. 共同海损和仲裁:在伦敦进行,适用英国法。
Legal experts have pointed out that the website, which is based in California, isn't covered by English law. 司法专家指出位于加利福尼亚的这家网站不受英国法律约束。
The precedent is the main legal origin of English Law, the Case-law also becomes the legal tradition of English Law. 判例是英国法的主要法律渊源,判例法也就成为英国法的法律传统。
In English law, for instance, the cost of bringing a civil action is often greater than the amount of damages which can be recovered; 例如在英国法律中民事起诉的费用常常大于可以获取的赔偿金额。
In English law, in the majority of cases decision of lower court and of the high court can is appeal to the court of appeal. 按英国法,在大多数情况下,对下级法院和高等法院的裁决能向上诉法院上诉。
1 these terms shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law. 1个这些学期将被管理由,并且解释了根据,英国法律。